Category Archives: Uncategorized

5th of July

It’s the 5th of July and, hey, we’ve got a song about that. Very much inspired by my own family, my wife’s family, and a naturalization ceremony I went to a few years back, where people who had worked their butts off for years to become US citizens finally accomplished their goal. I remember being…


It’s stressful and tiring out there, and maybe you need (just a little) break. Our former drummer and beloved friend Travis – you may remember him as  “guy who tried to obliterate drums” every show we played  – actually did something productive during his stay-at-home orders, and recorded a song. So happy that he was…

Basement Tapes

Friends, Naseem here. Don’t worry, this won’t be another one of those messages that starts with “these are challenging times…” * I’ve been off social media for a while — collecting my thoughts, changing diapers, etc. While I’ve been writing new songs and we as a band have been messing around with them, it has taken a…

Social Change

Last week, I sent you all an email indicating that there’d be two changes going forward. The first is that Travis is taking a break, and Benny is resuming duties hitting things really hard.* Here’s the second: (But wait, two shows are on the books in the next few weeks, one in Somerville, MA and…


Last week we announced Trav taking a break and Benny playing with us instead. Just thought we’d share one of Travis’s most Travis performances ever. He’s a beast back there.  


Today and next week, we’re announcing a couple big changes. No, not breaking up or anything. But here’s Change 1: for those of you who have seen us lately, you’ve noticed a different drummer. That’s Benjamin M Grotto, who produced our latest album Neighbors & Strangers, and who is an awesome dude and awesome drummer (and…


Because there isn’t enough yelling in this world, we wanted to break our relative calm of late and announce two shows. Thrilled to be playing the Summit Indie Fest in Portsmouth, NH on May 11, and head back to our old jaunt The New World Tavern in Plymouth, MA the night before. These are two of only…

Support the Museum

Here’s a sweaty, post-show picture from a few years back with David Wax. He is one half of the unstoppable, unflappable, undeniable David Wax Museum, probably the hardest working band out there right now (two kids on the road!!). Their IndieGoGo campaign ends tonight at midnight, and they would love your support. Check out their…

The Winter Walk

This dark, somewhat cult-ish screengrab is from a video I made of a classic tune. I did it not because I’m in a cult (shhh…), but because I’m a proud supporter of The Winter Walk, which does an amazing job of fighting homelessness in Boston. On these brutally cold days, supporting this org is more important…

Wonderful Xmastime

Two days late here, but Thanksgiving knows no bounds. One thing we’re grateful for is being surrounded by talent. You’ve seen our trumpet/keys/generally-everything player Chris prance around on stage. Now imagine him prancing with a Santa outfit on. He and his partner Kate record holiday songs in their spare time as Space Cranes (aka Chris -n- Kate); this…